
Monday, September 28, 2009

The Story of Stuff

I was just sent this video and here is my review of it.

Right off the bat she rips the military with the mention of her friends (probably all Che lovers) who think the goverment should be represented by a tank. So, clearly she is traitor. Send her down to Gitmo. Oh, that's right President Adolph Osama is closing it so terrorists can run free in our country and rape our women.

Then she lies about how the government is smaller than corporations and peddles Marxist propaganda by lying and saying that corporations are getting too big. She is an enemy of the free market and wants to throw us all in a boiling pit of sewage. Quick! Hide your children...they are in mortal danger.

Of course, we have to have the cry me a river sob story about the environment and how we are all destoying it. God gave us this planet to do whatever we want. It is our manifest destiny to conquer! Oh, and global warming is lie by the liberal media and scientists who seek to destroy us. It's all a myth and we are all going to be fine.

Her whole spiel about how our consumption of resources is a liberal lie. How dare she! America can do whatever it wants and we shouldn't have to apologize for anything. Apologies are for the weak...meaning liberal traitors.

Essentially this video is one long make out session with communism. If anyone takes anything she says seriously, we will all be camping on a pile of dead skulls. History has shown us that all liberal policies result in our children being slaughtered.

The fact that this video is being show in our schools proves the point that our education system has been taken over by socialist communist fascists who want to indoctrinate our children into their evil ways. Next thing you know, they'll try to turn our chidlren gay and then where will we be?


harold said...

I hope this is a joke.

jeff c. said...

Harold, it is. I assume you have never read here or posted. Mark is responding in the way that the Republican Party would respond to this video.

I found it to be quite true and refreshing. I think it should be shown in schools. Our children are going to have to deal with it.

Kevin said...

I'm more concerned about the crushing debt that my children are going to have to deal with.

the torch said...

Great post, Mark. I'd laugh really hard but it makes me sweat more. Back in Dubai. Groan...

harold said...

Thanks, jeff. Whew.

Ed "What the" Heckman said...


This was just Markadelphia attempting to sarcastically read our minds. Like usual, it has absolutely nothing to do with our actual reactions to the video. (Sometimes I wonder if Marky actually can read minds. If he couldn't, he would get sometime right once in a while; but he gets it so incredibly wrong all the time that it just defies the odds.)

The big problem with the video is that it says a lot of things that just aren't true. Some of them are even directly contradicted by the teacher's guide included with the video.

Here's an accurate response. (Note: sometimes the guy who fisked the video seems to be sarcastic instead of simply stating the facts, and other times he's not as clear as he should be. But by and large it's accurate.)

Anonymous said...

The big problem with the video is that it says a lot of things that just aren't true. Some of them are even directly contradicted by the teacher's guide included with the video.

Come on now.

The important thing is that the kids are being enlightened about the danger that the human race poses to the planet.

We are a virus and should be eradicated...everyone knows that.

Whether the materials...used to impart that message is based on the truth or not is irrelevant. Only the narrative matters.

Mr Bill said...

Having seen both the fisked and the un-fisked version of this film, I can honestly say that I already saw through most of what was pointed out in the fisked version. This video is blatantly inaccurate and should not be distributed to our schools to frighten our children that do not know better. It is as if they are trying to indoctrinate our youths... oh wait... the federal government beat them to that one... didn't they Mr. Barrack H. Obama? mmmm mmmmm mmmm

last in line said...

The fisked response was cool. That lady is a former Greenpeace employee who has a problem with people living in bigger houses? Prosperity go to hell!! How dare we improve our standard of living!

Mark Ward said...

Ed, you crack me up. First you say this..

"This was just Markadelphia attempting to sarcastically read our minds. Like usual, it has absolutely nothing to do with our actual reactions to the video."

...then you link to a site with an "accurate site" where the first line is..

"Guy takes a piece of REALLY stinky communist propaganda..."

and then proceeds to "explain the video" in a similar fashion to my response.

Compare this line from the site you linked...

"make sure to watch the last one when the Soviet national Anthem"

to mine...

"Essentially this video is one long make out session with communism."

Yeah, worlds apart...not.

It's obvious why you don't like states the fucking obvious fact in regards to the relation between corporate America and our government. This, of course, does not fit with your belief that the government is all powerful and steps on the poor, innocent baby feet of the private sector so you blow a bowel, start screaming about communism when the goal is clearly to motivate children to improve a flawed system that is now laughingly called capitalism.

In essence, you don't like this video because it calls you on your bullshit. Just like I did.

Ed "What the" Heckman said...

"In essence, you don't like this video because it calls you on your bullshit."

So let me get this straight…

The video uses a bunch of "facts" that aren't actually true, but the video itself is still true?

Just… wow…

All I can do is shake my head.

Remember, "If you want to insult a conservative, lie to him. If you want to insult a liberal, tell him the truth."

BTW… Give up the attempts at mind reading. It's truly pathetic how you're consistently so far off the mark that you can't even see it from where you are.

Last in line said...

I'm also curious to know who "they" are, "they" that are profiled in the video and mentioned in the response. I remember the good ol days after 9/11 when uttering the word "they" when describing folks from the middle east would bring forth quite the reaction from lefties.

Why can't Obama and his veto-proof majority improve the flawed system? I thought that was why you all elected him.

Nobody ever said the private sector is always innocent and you're doing the most screaming these days of anyone around, even after your big electoral win in the last election. I'm going to choose the private sector mostly because not one of you libs can tell me what is so great about the cap and trade bill. I've only asked all of you 3 times to show us all the light.

Leviathan said...

Compare this line from the site you linked...

Because, of course, that's the only line that mattered. [/sarcasm]

Sorry, but the proper response would be to watch the videos and give a reasoned critique explaining why we're wrong about it.

Too much to ask for?

Ed "What the" Heckman said...

Yes. Given his history, that's too much to ask of Markadelphia.

Mark Ward said...

Remember, "If you want to insult a conservative, lie to him. If you want to insult a liberal, tell him the truth."

Who said that? The President of Asshats Inc.? Ed, you will be one of the last people in the world (and probably never) to every admit the truth about any successes Obama might have. Take for example, these FACTS:

1. Gun sales and ammo sales went up after President Obama was elected.

2. President Obama, thus far in his administration, signed a bill to increase gun owner's rights.

These are facts. You can't dispute them and yet you still believe want you need to believe...Obama is coming to take away my guns. Start listening to what your are preaching.

"give a reasoned critique explaining why we're wrong about it..."

Well, neither one of you gave a critique of the original video. I'm interested in hearing what you thought about it...not what yet another brainwashed 19-28 year old, white, male, neocon with geek inner rage thinks. Besides, I put up my critique. Ed accuses me of being off base and then points me to a site...that says the same thing.

"Why can't Obama and his veto-proof majority improve the flawed system?"

Because this country has two parties, last. The center right party (The Democrats) and the lunatics (The Republicans). The fact that health care reform is having so much trouble proves my point that there are no liberals in this country anymore. I would think you would be happy:)

GrumpyOldFart said...

Didja find a bulk purchase deal on straw?

Leviathan said...

"Well, neither one of you gave a critique of the original video."

Well, this isn't my blog. You're only response to the video was a sarcastic "interpretation" of the "base's" thoughts on the video.

Then, when Ed linked to a website containing a critique of the video, the only response you could muster was a dismissal based on what the site owner said, not the content of the critique.

So how about watching the critique of the video and explaining to us where he erred?

Mark Ward said...

Explaining where he about his entire critique?

"In America, we have lots of choices and that makes our society great..."

What fucking country does he live in? Gas, Electric, Cable...usually only one company services each of the areas we live in. Of course, I could light a fire but they could do the same the Soviet Union.

Further, what planet does he live on? I'd like to see this asshat live in the new luxury he describes in the Third World. His analysis is so typical of this line of thought...the little brown urchin should get down on his knees and thank God for the American corporation. It's fucking nauseating. His entire narrative is built around four words: We're great. Fuck you.

The sad thing is that we are pretty great and do actually do a lot of good in the world but we do make mistakes. The current paradigm is filled with them and all this video does is point them out. It offers a better way of conducting business.

But we can't have that in paranoid and brainwashed 19-28 year old, white, male, neocon with geek inner rage land, can we?

Mark Ward said...

And by "this video" I mean the original version and not the one with the weeny rage track.

Anonymous said...

"What fucking country does he live in? Gas, Electric, Cable...usually only one company services each of the areas we live in. Of course, I could light a fire but they could do the same the Soviet Union."

Ok then, Mark. Here's a thought exercise:

What is preventing another company from stepping into these areas?

What is preventing someone from starting a company in these areas to offer similar services?

And not just what, but how.

Mark Ward said...

The answer to that is in the first minutes of this video...the every increasing rotund corporation and their lackeys in the government.

I'm certain that you think it is the all powerful government and the statists etc but it's actually the corporations through their lobbyists that is the answer to how.

Anonymous said...

"I'm certain that you think it is the all powerful government and the statists etc but it's actually the corporations through their lobbyists that is the answer to how."

I wasn't asking for the video's answer, Mark. But nice deflection there.

"I'm certain that you think it is the all powerful government and the statists etc but it's actually the corporations through their lobbyists that is the answer to how."

So.. the corporations lobby government for action but it is not the government acting?

Which of these groups uses force to accomplish its means?

Anonymous said...

Wrong section commented for that first bit.. ah well.

Mark Ward said...

I think that it's the corporations that use this for us, they say to the politicians, and you get to stay in office. Don't and we will ruin you.

Where was government force when taxpayer money was used to bail out Wall Street? Where is the force now when Wall Street can still do whatever it wants? Any slight peep about oversight or regulation is met with howls from a brainwashed population.


GrumpyOldFart said...

The light dawns.

For members of a corporate board to say to a politician, "Unless you do what we want, we'll tell our people to stop paying you and start paying your opponent, you might even lose your job", is using force.

For members of Congress to say to citizens, "Unless you do what we want, we'll have our people come take you away and put you in a cage full of psychopaths, or possibly shoot you".... that is not using force.

That explains it all, that does.

Prosecution rests.

Anonymous said...

"Where was government force when taxpayer money was used to bail out Wall Street?"

Are you fucking kidding me? Which president in office pushed for that rescue mission?

Mark Ward said...

Anon, take a look at this statement by GOF.

"Unless you do what we want, we'll have our people come take you away and put you in a cage full of psychopaths, or possibly shoot you"

The problem is that the ones doing the forcing aren't the government but the people they are beholden to in the private sector. Most of Congress are puppets of the corporate world. They'll pretty much do anything the money guys want because it's their ass if they don't. It's fascism but with the paradigm shifted. Instead of businesses bowing to the government it's the reverse. That's why we no longer have capitalism in this country.

Both Obama and Bush pushed for the bail outs. I didn't support them but I also didn't see any other viable option. Let them fail and you KNOW for sure what would've happened?

GrumpyOldFart said...

Let them fail and you KNOW for sure what would've happened?

No, I don't. And looking at the evidence accumulated since, it's obvious no one else knew for sure what would happen either, since the way it's playing out matches no one's predictions.

So let's look at what we do know, shall we?

We know:

1) The solution chosen by Bush and Obama cost us many billions of dollars we didn't, and still don't, actually have.

2) The solution chosen by Bush and Obama told bankers and businessmen across the globe that if you can convince legislators you're "too big to fail", no decision you make can be too risky or too stupid. If necessary, the US Government will rape the taxpayers to come to your rescue, because you're "too big to fail".

I agree 100% that a big part of the problem is legislators too spineless to risk their perks by standing up to corporate interests for the sake of their constituents.

I disagree 100% that the solution is to take the most corrupt of them, put them in charge, and then tell them they can make a whole new set of rules and don't have to give a damn about obeying the laws already on the books, which is precisely what the Democrats have done.

GrumpyOldFart said...

Please understand, I DON'T CARE WHICH PARTY IS IN POWER. I'm about 2/3 of the way from conservative Republican to libertarian, I can pretty safely assume I will never live to see a party in power that agrees with my beliefs and priorities.

Where you and I seem to part ways is that I think spineless and corrupt politicians should be held accountable for their spinelessness and corruption, where you seem to agree with the politicians that no, you should instead hold wealthy business owners etc. accountable for taking advantage of it.

Sorry, that's backwards, that's antithetical to the basic concept of liberty.

I may not care for Glenn Beck or Keith Olbermann, but I support their right to make flaming assholes of themselves, even with the resources of a major network at thier back and a gifted oratorical style at their command. Fine. No one forces me to listen to them. No one forces me to buy what they're selling.

I support the right of George Soros to bring all the pressure to bear that he likes. I note that you don't seem to have a problem with it either.

But if Jack Murtha or Nancy Pelosi or anyone else in government, in other words, people who are spending your and my money on thier pet projects rather than their own, fold under that pressure, jail them.

I consider the person who accepts a bribe much more culpable than the person who offers it. Apparently you, and the majority of the Democrat party, disagree.