
Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Tide Has Turned On Climate Change

Check out this headline...

Most Republicans Say They Back Climate Action, Poll Finds

Oh snap. What are the members of the Church of the Climate Skeptic going to do now?

In a finding that could have implications for the 2016 presidential campaign, the poll also found that two-thirds of Americans said they were more likely to vote for political candidates who campaign on fighting climate change. They were less likely to vote for candidates who questioned or denied the science that determined that humans caused global warming.  

Among Republicans, 48 percent say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports fighting climate change, a result that Jon A. Krosnick, a professor of political science at Stanford University and an author of the survey, called “the most powerful finding” in the poll. Many Republican candidates question the science of climate change or do not publicly address the issue.

Holy shee-it! It's going to be most amusing to watch the GOP candidates in 2016 fall all over themselves in trying to address this. Here's my advice (and the real reason why this poll shows a shift). Focus on how much more money is going to be lost by corporations if climate change isn't addressed. Juxtapose this with how much money can be made in the emerging renewable energy market.

The almighty dollar always wins the day and that, my dear readers, is a good thing!

1 comment:

Nikto said...

Did you really mean to say that it's a good thing that the almighty dollar wins they day?

In any case, the only reason Republicans have resisted the idea of climate change in recent years is that they were afraid it would cost money to do something about it. They might have said they didn't believe the data, but anyone over the age of 50 knows that the climate is not what it used to be. Since the bulk of Republicans are geezers, they know damn well that we're screwing up the climate.

But they opposed taking action due to increased fuel prices and regulation. Then the Koch brothers and their ilk got into the act and, afraid for their profits, they started convincing Republicans during the second Bush administration that it was patriotic to be wastrels. Now many conservatives intentionally drive Hummers to waste gas and "roll coal" to foul the air with filthy smoke.

Republicans used to be out front on preserving the environment (and our health, by the way) -- Roosevelt started the national park service, Nixon signed the EPA into law. Republicans used to be conservative in the truest sense of the word: people who wanted to preserve rather than lay waste to the land. Now half the Republican Party is just a gang of angry radicals who want to tear things down out of spite.