
Saturday, June 07, 2014

Bill Maher Demolishes The Gun Cult

Last night, Bill Maher's final new rule put an end to the Gun Cult. At first glance, I thought this image

might be Kevin Baker but then I realized that it wasn't. (Oh, real quick, I'm nearly certain this post will elicit some "You are obsessed with Kevin" remarks. Bear in mind, I have no link on the side of my blog that says "The Kevin Baker Essays." :))

Even thought it was Kevin, Maher took aim at people just like him and other gun bloggers and commenters and showed the world just how fucking moronic, childish, and, well, mentally challenged they all are. I know we shouldn't make fun of people with disabilities but these folks are so angry and filled with hate towards the dark magicians (federal government, liberals, anyone that doesn't agree with exactly everything they say) that are their "enemies" that no one should really care. I see them exactly was the world saw the Nazi party in Germany when they got their start...militant, extreme, virulent, authoritarian, incredibly distrustful of any different than they are, prejudiced, see violence and force as the best solution for most situations, and, most of all, use propaganda in a way that would make Goebbels proud.

In short, they are assholes and stupid ones at that, now that their little gun parades around retail outlets have led to the exact thing they didn't want...gun bans at places like Starbuck's and Chipotle. It won't be long now before one of these idiots has an accident or two with their guns and then it will get even worse for them.

I'm curious, though. What does the T-shirt say on the dude with the Oreos below? I can't read it.


GuardDuck said...

Did you have a problem with these guys:


So if you are an in your face rights activist it's OK if the rights you are actioning for are LGBT but not if they are 2nd Amendment?

Gotcha. So in other words you are only for individual rights when they are the individual rights YOU just happen to like.

In other words, you are a bigot.

*It says 'Hope for bacon'

GuardDuck said...

Oh, and you are obsessed with Kevin - since you KEEP TALKING ABOUT HIM.